QA Technic is the determination of the evaluation principles of complaints or objections from organizations / customers, other segments and related parties regarding system certification, product certification, Halal Certification, inspection, training and supplier inspection activities.
2.0. SCOPE
This procedure covers objections and complaints from organizations / customers, other segments or related parties regarding system certification, product certification, Halal Certification, inspection, training and supplier audit services and Certification Committee Decisions carried out by QA Technic.
Complaint and Objection Evaluation Committee, Chairman of the Board, Management Representatives, Product Certification Manager, System Certification Manager, Inspection Services Manager, Technical Regulation Officers, Inspection Services Technical Managers and department managers are responsible for the implementation of this procedure.
4.1. Complaints: In case that any application received from the companies / individiuals related with performance, procedures and policies, internal and exterior auditors regarding certification, inspection and audit activities of QA Technic, presence of improper behaviours, addresses, tensions of audit team could be arised during the audit about inspection services realised companies and/ or certifed companies.
4.2. Appeal: It is case that decision given by Alberk QA related with any individiual/ foundation or organisation.
4.3 Complaint and Appeal Assessment Committee: Complaint and Appeal Assessment Committee is composed of members who are independent from certification decision makers and audit team members. Complaint and Appeal Assessment Committee is composed of members who are knowledgeable regarding the field of complaint (not being a complainant).This committee is not generated by utilization of external resources since it is not possible to take over the responsibility of the decisions
5.1. System certification, product certification, Halal Certification, inspection, training and supplier inspection services carried out by QA Technic, all kinds of objections and complaints regarding the decisions taken by the Certification Committee; recorded by the relevant Management Representatives. Within the scope of Product Certification, Halal Certification and Inspection Services, the Product Certification Management Representative records the relevant records. QA Technic receiving the complaint or objection is responsible for collecting and verifying all the information necessary to make it valid.
QA Technic; Responsible for decisions at all stages of handling complaints.
Acceptance, investigation and decision of complaints and objections do not result in any discriminatory action against the complainant and/or the objector.
5.2. Complaints received from these parties; It can be sent to the management representatives via fax-mail-filemaker. Complaints reaching different people in the office; The software is entered by clicking the "add customer complaint" button on the Filemaker user screen. The entered data falls to the customer complaints section on the manager screen used by the management representatives and the process begins.
5.3. In case of disagreement with the company's audit plan, date, appointed inspectors/inspectors, etc., regarding the company applying for certification and inspection services, the objection is evaluated by the System Certification Manager, Product Certification Manager, Inspection Services Manager within the relevant scope, taking into account the company's request. The relevant parties are notified that the objection has been received, within 1 week at the latest, it is evaluated by taking into account the previous similar objections, and if necessary, Corrective Action is initiated and the objection is resolved by re-processing. In case the company requests a change in the assigned inspectors and inspectors within the scope of inspection services, it is expected to write this request in writing and with its justifications. The reasons are evaluated and changes are made. If the activity could not be concluded within 2 weeks, the customer is informed in writing about the situation and the duration of the activity.,
5.4. If the results of the activity are not satisfactory by the relevant parties, the object of objection is placed on the agenda of the Complaint and Objection Evaluation Committee by the Chairman of the Board of Directors. The Complaint and Objection Evaluation Committee will be selected by the management representative to consist of at least 3 experts, depending on the subject of the objection. The complaint and objection committee, which will take part in the evaluation of complaints and objections received within the scope of Halal Certification; It consists of at least 3 people, one of whom is an Islamic Affairs Specialist. A Confidentiality Agreement is signed by the members of the committee before the case is resolved.
5.5. Complaints from customers or other parties (end consumer, etc.) related to the execution of the service at QA Technic are recorded by the relevant Management Representative with the COMPLAINT / OBJECTION EVALUATION AND DECISION FORM, and the relevant parties are notified that the complaint has been received, at the latest. It is evaluated within 1 week and Corrective and Preventive Action is initiated if necessary. The results of these activities are notified in writing to the complainant within 2 weeks at the latest, according to the resolution method of the complaint. If the activity could not be concluded within 2 weeks, the customer is informed in writing about the situation and the duration of the activity. If the results of the activity are not satisfactory by the relevant parties, the subject of the complaint is placed on the agenda of the Complaint and Objection Evaluation Committee by the Chairman of the Board of Directors.
5.6. Determination of committee members: Members of the Complaint and Objection Evaluation Committee; determined by the management representative and appointed by the chairman of the board of directors. According to the complaint status of the members; The auditor – is determined from the people in our expert staff, paying attention to the equivalence of the field of expertise. If there is no suitable expert in our staff, an external expert can be appointed. External experts who will give opinions should have at least 3 years of Lead Auditor experience for system or product certification activities and 5 years of inspector experience for inspection services. On the other hand, an Islamic affairs specialist must have graduated from a high school providing Islamic education at least and must have 4 years of work experience in Islamic subjects. Complaint and objection committee will be selected to consist of at least 3 people. The complaint and objection committee, which will take part in the evaluation of complaints and objections received within the scope of Halal Certification; It consists of at least 3 people, one of whom is an Islamic Affairs Specialist. Persons to be elected to the committee are selected by considering the principles of impartiality. A Confidentiality Agreement is signed by the members of the committee before the case is resolved. It will be ensured that the committee members involved in the resolution process do not have any relationship with the company subject to the complaint 2 years before and after.
5.7. The Committee for Ensuring Impartiality will be evaluated by examining their impartiality. The Complaint and Objection Evaluation committee has full independence in its decisions. They cannot be influenced by any authority
5.8. The decision taken by the committee is sent to the relevant party within 15 days at the latest after the meeting date. The records of the complaints resulting from the operation of the Corrective and Preventive Action Procedure are kept at the relevant Management Representative and a copy of the Customer Complaint/Objection/Suggestion Monitoring list is sent to the Chairman of the Board of Directors before the management review meeting. If a common application involving all QA Technic's activities is required as a result of a complaint or objection, the necessary action is initiated by the relevant Management Representative.
5.9. Customer complaints arising from nonconformities in the quality system of certified organizations that reach QA Technic are notified in writing to the organization and information is requested from the organization within 2 weeks, at the latest, about the arrangements made/to be made regarding the complaint. Incoming information is evaluated by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, based on the importance of the complaint, an audit can be carried out in the organization or it is checked whether the records of customer complaints are kept regularly during the audit of the organization on the normal audit date. Re-examination service by the Inspection Services Manager regarding the objections made to the inspection results can be carried out by another competent inspector. At this stage, the procedure specified in article 5.3 is applied.
5.10. When the complaints and objections made to the Certification Committee decisions taken as a result of the audit activities and the results of the inspections reach QA Technic, the objection/complaint issue is referred to the agenda of the Complaint and Objection Evaluation committee by the Chairman of the Board of Directors.
5.11. The date on which the issue will be discussed and the names and backgrounds of the members of the complaint and objection committee are notified to the relevant party for confirmation and it is stated that they can attend the meeting if they request it. If the complainant has an objection to one of the members of the Complaint and Objection Committee, provided that he/she declares a justification, one of the alternate members of the Complaint and Objection Committee is included in the committee. Re-confirmation is taken for the CVs of the committee members. The committee evaluates the issue, while it can apply for expert opinion when necessary, the experts who will give opinion must have at least 3 years of Lead Auditor experience for System Certification and have carried out at least 3 audits in the relevant sector. On the other hand, an Islamic affairs specialist must have graduated from a high school providing Islamic education at least and must have 4 years of work experience in Islamic subjects. The committee makes its final decision within 15 days after the objection reaches the committee. The decision is taken on the basis of majority vote.
5.12. Complaint and Objection Committee decision; It is notified and filed in writing to the organization/person making the objection and the relevant Management Representative by QA Technic..
5.13. The relevant unit and the Management Representative evaluate the incoming information statistically and bring these evaluations to the agenda at the Management Review meetings.
5.14. Decisions taken by the Complaint and Objection Committee; If the committee consists entirely of QA Technic personnel, it is a solution and indisputable. However, if the committee consists of external technical experts, the decision of the committee is advisory and the final decision is with QA Technic. If the decision of this committee is not found sufficient by the complainant or the objector, the issue is taken by the T.C. The matter to be referred to the courts is notified to the relevant party.
5.15. The person making the complaint or objection and the subject of the complaint/objection should be kept confidential. Care should be taken not to compare the two sides. The consideration period should be declared to both parties, depending on the type of complaint or appeal. Care should be taken that this period does not exceed 15 days..
5.16. The person who is the subject of the complaint or objection and the owner must be notified in writing of the result. All records must be kept. The tracking of whether the complaint has been closed or not is done through the Customer Complaint/Objection/Suggestion Tracking List.
5.17. Upon receipt of the complaint or appeal, he must confirm to QA Technic whether the complaint or appeal is related to the certification activities for which he is responsible.
5.18. If the complaint is about a certified customer, the effectiveness of the documented management system should be taken into account when questioning the complaint.
5.19. The complaint should be directed to the certified customer mentioned by QA Technic within an appropriate period of time. And the follow-up of the subject should be done by the QA Technic Management Representative.
5.20. Professional liability insurance comes into play if the customer has suffered damage and his complaint is justified.
5.21. QA Technic, together with the customer and the complainant, determines whether the subject of the complaint and its solution will be given to the public, and if so, to what extent.
5.22. All complaints and objections received within the scope of GSTC are evaluated by Alberk QA Technic. If the matter is transferred to the complaint and objection committee, a GSTC auditor who was not involved in the process subject to the complaint/objection is also added to the committee. All closed complaints and objections are notified by e-mail to GSTC's accreditation@gstcouncil.org address within 5 days
5.23. Complaints and objections made during the supplier inspection must be reported to the relevant supplier responsible. The priority in the action to be taken regarding the objection or complaint is the supplier responsible. Complaints recorded by the Management Representative with the COMPLAINT / OBJECTION EVALUATION AND DECISION FORM are reported to the supplier responsible and system certification manager. Corrective and Preventive Action is initiated in line with the recommendations of the supplier responsible. The results of these activities are notified in writing to the complainant within 2 weeks at the latest, according to the resolution method of the complaint. The supplier responsible can also notify the result of the complaint. If the activity could not be concluded within 2 weeks, the customer is informed in writing about the situation and the duration of the activity. If the results of the activity are not satisfactory by the relevant parties, the subject of the complaint is placed on the agenda of the Complaint and Objection Evaluation Committee by the Chairman of the Board of Directors. The Complaint and Objection Evaluation Committee will be selected by the management representative to consist of at least 3 experts, depending on the subject of the complaint. A Confidentiality Agreement is signed by the members of the committee before the case is resolved.
Revision Date | Revision No | Revised clause number | Explanation |
06.03.2006 | 01 | - | The term General Manager was replaced with the term Chairman of the Board of Directors. Objection and complaint committee advisory board places were changed to "advisory and objection committee". |
22.05.2006 | 02 | - | Yazım formatı değiştirildi. Revizyon durumu tablosu eklendi. |
18.06.2007 | 03 | 5.3, 5.4, 5.12 | A definition has been added regarding the determination of complaint and objection committee members. |
30.05.2008 | 04 | 5.3 6.0 | The information that the complaint committee will be an expert according to its subject and the status of signing a confidentiality agreement has been added. FR-37 Committee Members Confidentiality AgreementAdded to the relevant documents. |
06.06.2008 | 05 | 4.4 5.11 | Definition added. Article 5.11 has been added. |
11.06.2009 | 06 | 4.1 | The conflict statement has been removed. Removed the phrase “Dispute” from the name of the procedure. |
29.12.2009 | 07 | 5 | Added clause 5.17 and referred to professional liability insurance in the financial compensation of the complaint. |
28.12.2010 | 08 | 5.3 | Added other parties definition |
26.08.2011 | 09 | 5.18 | Added definition related to BRC |
20.10.2011 | 10 | 5.18 | Added definition related to BRC |
18.11.2011 | 11 | 3.0, 5.6 | Inspection Services Manager, Inspection Services Technical Managers have been added to the Responsibles section, 5.6. An explanation has been added regarding the objections against the examination results in the article. |
18.11.2011 | 5.8 | It was added that the decision was taken on the basis of majority vote.. | |
05.03.2012 | 12 | 4.1 , 4.2 , 5.1 , 5.19 | Definitions for complaints and objections have been updated, training has been added to services, and public notification has been defined. |
30.05.2012 | 13 | 5.1 , 5.3 ,5.5, 5.11, 5.12, 5.13, 5.14 | Added references to objection |
02.09.2013 | 14 | 5.1-5.13-6.0 | Added information about Filemaker |
09.01.2014 | 15 | 1-2-4-5.1-5.20 | Added information about supplier audits |
22.12.2014 | 16 | 6.0 | The name of the FR-36 has been changed. Added FR-39 |
25.12.2014 | 17 | 1.0-2.0 | Added information about calibration lab |
29.05.2015 | 18 | Tamamı | Added references to personnel certification |
01.06.2016 | 19 | 4.3- 5.1- 5.3 | A definition was made about the complaint and objection evaluation committee. A definition was made regarding non-discrimination. A definition was made regarding the previous objections. |
06.06.2017 | 20 | Tamamı | Since a separate complaint procedure was created for personnel certification, the definitions made in the procedure were deleted. calibration lab. The reference has been deleted. A time limit of 2 weeks was introduced for the complaint and objection committee, not after the complaint reaches QA Technic, but after it reaches the committee. |
26.11.2018 | 21 | 1.0-2.0 | Reference to experimental lab deleted |
08.04.2019 | 22 | 5.5 , 5.7, 5.15, 5.21, 6.0 | FR-158 Complaint / Objection Evaluation and Decision Form added to the process and defined |
20.01.2020 | 23 | 2.,-4.1 | Definitions for personnel certification have been deleted |
09.11.2020 | 24 | EK-1 | APPENDIX-01 COMPLAINT - OBJECTION PROCESS SUMMARY TIMES Table has been added |
10.03.2021 | 25 | 5.6-5.13 | Who the complaint and objection committee is composed of and the responsibility for the decisions they make are defined |
01.07.2022 | 26 | 1-2-4-5 | Added definitions about halal certification |
11.03.2024 | 28 | 5.21 | Added notification process about GSTC |
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